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Community Blog

Make NYE the Highlight of Your 2017 at Noble Rey Brewing Company

Image for Make NYE the Highlight of Your 2017 at Noble Rey Brewing Company

This night is sure to be the highlight of your beer year, so tell Santa what you really want for Christmas this year and get your tickets ASAP. Just so you realize how highly anticipated this event is: tickets sold out last year.

Tickets include: Complimentary beer and food, live music as well as a champagne toast at midnight and your very own commemorative glass. It wouldn't be a party without live music, we will have DJ System spinning beats outside in a heated tent as well as Ducado Vega performing on the main stage followed by The Gypsy Bravado! Dress to impress, and we look forward to seeing you on Sunday, December 31st to ring in the new year!

At Oxford at Lake Worth Apartments in Fort Worth, Texas, we believe it’s important to integrate yourself into the community, which is why we suggest attending this event. Meeting new people, having unfamiliar experiences, and joining neighborhood activities is the key to an exceptional lifestyle.

Event Date/Time:
Sunday, December 31, 2017—7:00 PM

Event Venue Location:
Noble Rey Brewing Company
2636 Farrington Street
Dallas, Texas 75207

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