These days, the average American adult is looking at screens for hours on end. We spend roughly 3 ½ hours looking at our smartphones every day, and for many of us who complete work-related tasks on a computer, we can easily clock 40 hours of screen time per week. These numbers also don’t factor in our obsession with streaming services, video games, and video chatting services.
Needless to say, we spend a lot of time staring at screens, and our vision is suffering. Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS) is experienced by 60 million people globally – and that’s just counting those who have received an official diagnosis. If you’ve ever experienced dry eyes, a headache, blurry vision, or neck and shoulder pain after using your favorite device, you have experienced CVS first-hand. Fortunately, lifestyle changes can go a long way in reducing symptoms. Here are a few tricks to try at home or work.
Optimize Your Workspace
Did you know that poor posture can contribute to CVS? If you tend to hunch over your computer or squint at your screen, you might be more likely to experience negative side effects. Optimize your workspace to be more accommodating by centering your computer screen at arms-length and just slightly below eye level. This will help keep your back straight and prevent neck and shoulder strain.
Practice 20/20/20 Exercises
Staring at your screen for too long can rob your eyes of their ability to rest. Luckily, the 20/20/20 rule is simple to follow. For every 20 minutes of screen time, take a 20-second break and focus on something at least 20 feet away. Don't look away from any faster! It takes 20 seconds for your eyes to fully relax and get the most benefit from this exercise.
Mind Screen Brightness
Do you always keep your screen brightness at the maximum level? You could probably benefit from making a few adjustments. See, while you want your screen bright enough to promote readability, you don’t want it so bright that it becomes unnecessarily bothersome. Adjust your settings accordingly, and, if possible, consider switching the background color of your device from bright white to light gray.
Blink Frequently
Most of us don’t have to remember to blink – but, when using a computer, smartphone, or other devices with a screen, many people actually don’t blink as much as they should. In fact, when you’re absorbed in these devices, you may reduce your blink rate by as much as 60 percent. Help keep your eyes lubricated and comfortable by blinking regularly.
Want to lead a life well-lived? Start by engaging your mind with interesting, informative material, as these tips and tricks from Oxford at Lake Worth Apartments in Fort Worth, Texas!